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Total Strokes from Kelly to Shale Shaker

Now let’s figure out how to calculate the “total strokes” it takes for fluid to travel from the Kelly to the Shale Shaker.
The formula to calculate total strokes required to pump from the Kelly to the Shale Shaker is as follows:
Total Strokes = drill string volume bbl + annular volume bbl / pump output bbl-stk
Given the above formula, let’s do an example given the following data -
Drill String Volume bbls – 188.59
Annular Volume bbls – 1960.99
Pump Output bbl/stk – 0.148 @ 95% efficiency

Total strokes = (188.59 + 1960.99) ÷ 0.148
Total strokes = 2149.58 / 0.148
Total strokes = 14524.19

Please NOTE – You will have to first calculate Drill String Volume, Annular Volume, and desired Pump Output before calculating Total Strokes from Kelly to Shale Shaker. 

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Template par Emmanuel Awona